My Experience

Joining the Google Academy has been an excellent experience.  I am glad I joined.  I have always loved using Google, but with the training I received I learned even more about Google and its myriad of tools and apps. Aside from Google when our group would meet the presenters would introduce us to new tools and apps or my colleagues would share new ones too. 

The technology world is fast-paced and ever changing.  I find that I can always look for a new tool or app to help me with the tasks that I need to accomplish. Even creating this blog is something new for me.  I am not afraid to try it because I know I can call on one of my colleagues or I can get help via Google to complete it. Google has many tools and apps to offer, but the Google Academy was
not strictly based on Google. I had the freedom to utilize other technology resources too.  At my age I can learn so many things and understand the use of a variety of technology tools.  I try to instill in others the openness to learn to use technology.  I know that students are eager – they take new technology and run with it.  Often times the students will show me a thing or two about how to use a program or app.  I am open to that because many times we are learning together.  For my colleagues or participants in my trainings I try to be a pillar of support. I let them know that I am
introducing them to new tools and apps, but that there may be aspects of it that I may not be familiar with.  I am always open to new information!

I would like to thank Ms. Clem Garza for having the insight and stamina to have started the Google and Apple Academies.  I know that as each Academy is complete we are improving what we do as teachers and in turn improving technology integration for students!

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